25 April 2011

Goodbyes and Double Portions

A few days ago, one of my most precious spiritual fathers sat in my kitchen with me and we chatted about my relationship as a Rock of Roseville missionary and also as a Table Missionary. He pointed out to me how I am blessed with a double blessing and a double covering! These two ministries have both had a huge part in raising me up and making me who I am now. They are the same in heart in many ways, yet completely different in structure and practical execution of daily life. In fact, my spiritual father likened it to being sent out by Grandpa[The Rock] but also by Dad[The Table].
I have begun to build this ministry[The Table] for the past 2 years.It feels like it has already been a lifetime since we started our first community home group at Kelvin’s house (on Friday night). Though it was almost exactly two years ago. Our second community group (on Tuesday nights at my house, the Sunflower House) just had its first birthday! I can’t believe how the time flies.
Well, I could not imagine going anywhere without taking the heart of Table community with me. It is a commission I feel from God to share what I have learned and to pray forth an atmosphere of healing, discipleship, faith, and radical love.

Pastor Marco asked me as we sat in the kitchen, “What are we going to do without you? Who is going to champion for us?” and I really have to trust God that He is calling me to go, and that He will take care of things here. I am praying that this will be a time of immense growth in our community. That people will stand up and champion. People will become sold out to our vision of living Christian lives of community, like we have read about in the book of Acts.
Acts 2:43-47
43And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.44And all that believed were together, and had all things common;45And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.46And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, 47Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”
This is the promise the Lord has given to me to pray. I feel that our community is a place of healing and preparation. For some it is a destination, and they wind up here by an act of God. For others it is merely a pit stop on their way to their destiny. But this is a place which God has raised up, anointed, and called His own. He has called forth the destiny of many young people, healed their brokenness, and trained them to minister in their daily lives. I see this place as a training ground. When people come here, they begin to change. Their hearts begin to warm and they realize who God is and how they are loved deeply by Him. I have been told it is a safe place, lacking judgement and criticism, and having open arms of love and acceptance. Though we do not compromise the truth, which we believe comes from the holy and perfect word of God.
So as I prepare to leave Roseville, an obscure suburb of Northern California (where our largest and most important landmark is a mall) I have resolved to stay in the moment as I prepare for the future. I will continue to build, seek God and pray for this place. I will not pass up any ministry opportunity for what I may perceive as lack of time. I will pour everything I have into doing what God has for me to do. My work is not finished here, and I know that as August gets closer, the Lord will continue to surprise me with the things He has for me.
I am looking toward the future with a smile on my face. I joyfully anticipate the adventure that awaits me in the Philippines. I earnestly seek Him in all that I do. I LOVE my Jesus! And He LOVES me! I am so excited to be anywhere that He is. I know His heart for me and I don’t know how not to be joyful in the presence of His love and under the direction of His teachings. Though it will be difficult, I know I will have waves of homesickness and see things that are very hard to see that I cannot control, I know that I will also be experience the joy that I have in Christ Jesus as I am in His will. That is always my portion.

19 April 2011

Party weekend to blissful spring break!

The past couple months have been a blur of work, school, community, and getting ready to leave to the Philippines. I have one more month of my math class and PD8 [personal development]  at Sierra College and then I will have successfully completed my first semester of junior college. This is no small feat for me. I struggled through high school as a teenager and really thought I wouldn’t go back to school after I graduated. But I have to say, it has been fun. I have really enjoyed myself. Of course, being the relational sanguine, I have LOVED every minute of the social aspects of school! Getting to know my classmates and joking with my teachers.
I am now here sitting still [as I enjoy every moment of my spring break] and I find that my heart is overflowing with things I want to write about and the things I need to write about [support letters and letters to friends, etc.] And also thinking about all the things i need to do and the books I need to read [and write book reviews on]. But, I have decided to write in my blog first.
SO, I am going to start with the events of last weekend.
This last Saturday, we enjoyed the first annual Table Honoring Feast. The event was a throwback of the Honors Gala that the Rock of Roseville used to host every year [We have not had this event at the Rock for about 5 years now]. Basically though, the Gala took place to celebrate people and to honor them for the character God has developed in them.
We at the Table, LOVE to honor each other, so we decided to have an honoring event of our own! Each member voted on the different categories of Man and Woman of the Mount, Joyful Servant, Secret Servant, House of Acts [house that exemplifies communal Christianity], Most Transformed, The Berean, The Zealot, Most Encouraging, Mother Heart, and Father Heart.
We did the event in full Table style: In a house, with all the people we love, dressed in our best, eating off our wonderful plastic plates [used every week for community groups], and of course, potluck! Everyone showed up at the Dandelion House in style! They all walked over to the Sunflower House, where it was a little warm for the coffee and tea we had prepped, so Josiah and I ran around getting ice water and trying to keep the guests occupied. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people in our house before [about 75 for the whole event]! They were literally spilling out the doors into the driveway and the front yard! By 6:45, we passed out directions to our final location, the Gove’s house. The location was set up with all the round tables and lovely hand-made decorations. Everyone was so happy just to be together. Then the honoring began, Josiah and Brion emceed together and they asked the 3 nominees to stand for each category. It was SO beautiful to not only see the person who won the category honored, but every nominee was so humbled and honored just to be standing when their name was called! I received so much joy and tears to see people be recognized for their Godly strengths and character, which they pour out into our community! I was completely floored to be honored as a nominee for our category of Woman on the Mount. It was one of the most humbling moments of my life to know that people see me as a woman after God’s heart, and they see the fruit of Jesus’ teachings in my life. It also scared me, because I don’t always feel worthy to be seen like that! Next, I was even MORE floored to be honored as Joyful Servant! I was so honored to stand up with the incredible women in these categories who all deserve honor for their character and love toward God and each other, and I was so blessed to see everyone receive honor where honor is due. We live in a truly honorable community, where we strive to live our lives as a poured out sacrifice to the Lord. Loving, honoring, and glorifying the One who paid for our sins above all else. He is the one who deserves ALL honor and ALL glory! In short, the first annual Table Honoring was a smashing success. After all the tears and love, we honored the Lord, and then broke into a dance party! We cleaned up and danced the night away!
Sunday, it was my absolute pleasure to see Tyler Jessee and Rachel Meyers get hitched! These two people are nothing short of amazing in my book. I know God feels the same way too [He told me]. It was so cool to see two people who have lived their lives well, and done their relationship right be blessed by God and experience His very best for their lives. I am so happy to say that I now have less single friends! Yay for the Jessees!!!
Now, after a much needed Monday where I did… Well absolutely nothing, I am getting jamming on all the fun things I need to do to prepare for my 2 year sojourn to the Philippines. I will be back soon to explain how you all can help me with the things I need to do to get there and stay there! I am so excited to share with anyone who is interested, about the work I will be doing in the birth clinic in Davao!